abacca bamboo grass
Material: sisal, jute, paper ,sedge, burlap, grass
According to traditional methods materials are spun into threads to be woven like fabrics are woven. At a later stage the woven material is joined with the paper backing material. Several products are dyed when threaded whilst others are dyed when stuck down onto the backing paper.
The wallpapers are manufactured in Asia, mainly in Korea and Japan, where the high art of manufacturing these materials is best mastered. Incidentally the Japanese tradition which excells in paper weaving skills can create valuable wallcoverings out of paper.
Natural materials form the basis for these pleasant wallcoverings, calming and harmonising to the eye, as supposed to synthetic surfaces, which will be tiring to the resident like comparing soft lighting to neon lighting. The natural properties of the basic materials have a positive effect on the resident’s balance, the material absorbes the room’s humidity and ventilates this slowly and evenly back into the room, preventing resporatory irritations but also other skin related irritations.
abacca, bamboo, grass gives your interior a matchless atmosphere which you can only achieved with hand made natural products.
Because of the nature of the materials colour and stucture anomolies will occur, but this a required effect that will not deteriorate a connaiseur. This natural product is not light fast but this is not a disadvantage. Especially due to colour changes over a period of years a patinated effect is created which improves the decorative character. The finer abacca is more light fast than grass.
abacca led hemp, is mostly sisal, paper backed
bamboo burlap (jute), bamboo, straw, paper, paper backed
grass jute, grasblades, sedge
The exact composition of individual products you can find in the collection.